Research Papers Published
- "Job Crafting of Service Employees and Performance: An Empirical Evidence of Linkages," Asian J. Management;, 6(3): 149 -158 {ISSN: ISSN 0976-} Impact Factor=
- "Frontline Employee Perceived Job Resources, Perceived Service Quality and Turnover Intentions: Some Evidences of Linkages" Research J. Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2): 69 -79 {ISSN: ISSN 0975} Impact Factor=
- "Employee Engagement and Involvement as a Conduit between LMX and Service Performance" International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER), 4(8): 1- -23 {ISSN: Impact Fac} Impact Factor=
- "Work Engagement and Job crafting of service employees influencing customer outcomes" VIKALPA,journal of IIM Ahmadabad, The Journal for Decision Makers 40(3) 1â16, 2015; Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 40(03): 69 -91 {ISSN: ISSN-NO:02} Impact Factor=
- "Emerging Management Paradigms, titled as,â Procedural Justice and its role in Achieving Faculty Commitment in Higher Education (An Internal Marketing Perspective" Research India Publications, edited by Pavnesh & Lovleen, 1(4): 179 -188 {ISSN: ISBN: 978-} Impact Factor=
- "Employee innovative work behavior and its roots
in their work engagement: an indian experience" Pranjana, 18(02): 1 -18 {ISSN: ISSN-NO:06} Impact Factor=
- "37. Leader member exchange and job attitudes leading service performance" International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), 28(1): 1 -14 {ISSN: 1744-2389} Impact Factor= 0
- "38. Leader member exchange quality influencing commitment and trust among employees," International Journal of Research In Commerce, IT& Management,, 0(0): 0 -0 {ISSN: 2231 â 575} Impact Factor= 0
- "36. Relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership styles: a study of iim graduates" Amity Global HRM Review, 07(2): 0 -0 {ISSN: 2250-60x} Impact Factor= 0
- "Perceived contact employee support and work engagement trigger service performance" Asian Journal of Management, 08(04): 0 -0 {ISSN: 2321-5763} Impact Factor= 0
- "Burnout and work engagement among college and university teachers: a study of institutions of higher learning in J&Kâ" International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, 8(7): 0 -0 {ISSN: 108 ISSN:} Impact Factor=