International Conference on “Recent Advances in Business, Management & Data Analytics”

Post pandemic business world is undergoing unprecedented changes not only due to stress caused by the pandemic but more by fast paced innovations and advancements in breakthrough technologies, data processing technologies, ICT, socio-economic and environmental concerns never witnessed before. Businesses today are facing the challenging task of maintaining a balance between competitive advantage created through the routes of effectiveness and efficiency on the one hand and socio-environ- mental issues to create sustainable business on the other hand. In this direction, many initiatives both at international and national level like SDG 2030 goals, startup India, digital India have been initiated to build a new business order. In this changing business scenario the traditional wisdom needs to be blended with the emerging knowledge to cater to the novel challenges to create a better, safer and healthier world. The emerging business order demands that local problems be solved with the help of global technologies in such a manner that local and customized values are delivered to customers at their place by maintaining socio-cultural value system. In this new order competitive advantage will be with those companies that will use the local resources and wisdom to augment their effective and efficient business processes. Accordingly, there is a need to radically change the philosophy and pedagogy used by business schools in order to stay relevant and keep guiding the business leaders and budding mangers. Business education and research needs to focus more on sustainability, wellbeing, green technologies, AI, social, ethical and justice issues along with advancements in product, process and management technologies.
With this backdrop, the conference is an endeavor to bring together all the stakeholders including the academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs, managers, policy makers, scientists, students, civil society, change makers, social entrepreneurs and any interested individual to one platform for sharing their experiences, ideas, viewpoints and collective intelligence. The event shall provide an opportunity to identify and deliberate upon the emerging socio-economic issues and business game changers to march towards inclusive growth, self-reliance, sustainable development and just society.
Conference Objectives
1. To deliberate upon the contours of the post pandemic business order.
2. To highlight the role of technology in shaping the emerging business world.
3. To understand the roles and responsibilities of business organizations in developing sustainable businesses.
4. To develop an insight into data driven economies and its fallout on business.
5 To discuss the impact of advances in technology and socio-technological changes on business education.

  • Event Date: 15-Mar-2023
  • Venue: University of Kashmir
  • File: View