Associate Professor

Faculty Details

  • Citations 110
  • HIndex 5
  • i10 Index 3
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  • Administrative position Held NEP Core Committee Member
  • Resume View

Research Papers Published

  • "Data Mining: Competitive Tool to Digital Library" DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2(3): 10 -18 {ISSN: 0974-0643} Impact Factor= 0.645
  • "Comparative study of Digital Image Enhancement Approaches" IEEE Explore, 2(3): 10 -18 {ISSN: 978-1-4799} Impact Factor=
  • "Contrast enhancement and smoothing of CT images for diagnosis" IEEE Explore, 0(0): 2214 -2219 {ISSN: 0973–7529} Impact Factor= 0
  • "ICT and Economic Growth-An Indian Perspective" Journal of Indian Reasearch, 3(1): 113 -116 {ISSN: 2321-4155} Impact Factor= 0
  • "A First Hand Survey of Frequency Domain Denoising Algorithms and Techniques" BIJIT - BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology, 8(1): 969 -972 {ISSN: 0973-5658} Impact Factor= 0.605
  • "Contrast Enhancement Technique for MRI Images using Histogram Equalization for Diagnosis" International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), 8(5): DOI No. 10.5815 {ISSN: 2074-9082} Impact Factor= 2.08
  • "CRM FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE" International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM), 2(12): 160 -178 {ISSN: 2348 – 951} Impact Factor= 0.543
  • "Sentiment Analysis of Print Media Coverage Using Deep Neural Networking" Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 21(4): DOI No. 10.1080/09720510.2018.147126 {ISSN: 0972-0510} Impact Factor= 0
  • "An Iterative Quantitative Measure Based Image Enhancement Diagnostic Algorithm for Healthcare Improvement" Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 6(5): 283 -294 {ISSN: 2349-5162} Impact Factor= 0
  • "DATA WAREHOUSING AND DECISION MAKING-A CONNECT" International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(3): 617 -625 {ISSN: 2348-1269} Impact Factor= 0
  • "Ubuntu- A case study of open source software" International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 4(4): 828 -831 {ISSN: 2349-5138} Impact Factor= 0
  • "Covid-19 Lockdown: Turning Isolated Educational Disguise into Online Blessing" International Journal of Food And Nutrition Sciences, 11(8): 619 -626 {ISSN: 23191775} Impact Factor=
  • "Dovetailing of Business Intelligence and Business Analytics: An Integrative Framework (Special Issue-2)" IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 10(2): 327 -339 {ISSN: 2320-7876} Impact Factor= 0
  • "Information Technology and its Role in Tourism Industry with Special Reference to UT of Jammu & Kashmir" IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 11(12): 9706 -9710 {ISSN: 2320-7876} Impact Factor= 0

Books Published

  • "Database Management And E-Commerce". Notion Press, Chennai. {ISBN: 9781685548674} pp 275
  • "Beginners Handbook to E-commerce". Notion Press, Inc. 800, West EI Camino Real #180, California USA 94040. {ISBN: 9798889750666} pp 270
  • "Recent Advances In Business And Management/Workforce Diversity and Organizational Performance: A Comprehensive Literature Review". Notion Press. {ISBN: 9798890675521} pp 388

Research Scholars:

Peer Asif AhmadPh.D Awarded Whole Time


DepartmentSubjectCourse TaughtSemester
The Business SchoolMBAData Warehousing & Data Mining4